AAN Launches $4 Million+ Summer Advocacy Campaign to Stop Reckless, Inflation-Causing Spending & Energy Policies
WASHINGTON – American Action Network released its summer issue advocacy campaign to address the pressing problems of record gas prices and soaring cost increases on nearly everything families buy. The new issue campaign is initially backed by over $4 million and features TV and digital advertising in 11 Congressional Districts.
In select districts, the new ads highlight the soaring cost of living and urge Members to stop President Biden’s current attempts to revive “Skinny BBB,” a gargantuan spending package which would add to our economic woes and make inflation even worse. While in other districts, the ads join the current debate about how Congress should address quickly mounting gas prices, urging Congress to expand domestic energy production and deliver lasting relief for working families by passing H.R.6858, the American Energy Independence from Russia Act.
“Record gas prices, sky-high inflation and an economy on the brink are the consequences of destructive liberal policies,” said AAN President Dan Conston. “Congress needs to change direction fast and reject more of the same harmful policies that got our country in this mess to begin with.”
The plan is likely to be expanded to new districts in the coming weeks and is continuation of American Action Network’s work to stop the Biden Administration’s tax and spending plans. Last year, AAN spent over $20 million to stop “Build Back Better.” Read more on those efforts here, here, here, here, here and here.
Districts in the campaign include:
Jahana Hayes (CT-05)
Education and Labor, Agriculture Committee Member
$450,000 – Broadcast and digital
Sharice Davids (KS-03)
Transportation and Infrastructure, Small Business Committee Member
$450,000 – Broadcast and digital
Jared Golden (ME-02)
Small Business Committee Member
$450,000 – Broadcast and digital
Dan Kildee (MI-05)
Science, Space and Technology, Ways and Means, Budget Committee Member
$200,000 – Broadcast and digital
Angie Craig (MN-02)
Energy & Commerce, Small Business, Agriculture Committee Member
$625,000 – Broadcast only
Kim Schrier (WA-08)
Agriculture, Energy and Commerce Committee Member
$625,000 – TV & Digital
Richard Neal (MA-01)
Ways and Means Committee Chairman
Greg Stanton (AZ-09)
Transportation and Infrastructure, Judiciary Committee Member
$800,000 – Broadcast and digital
Scott Peters (CA-52)
Energy and Commerce, Budget Committee Member
Mike Levin (CA-49)
Natural Resources, Veterans Affairs Committee Member
$400,000 – Broadcast and digital
Frank Pallone (NJ-06)
Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman
Background: In the last two weeks, Axios, Roll Call and The Hill have reported that talks have re-opened to pass a potentially “slimmed down” version of President Biden’s “Build Back Better” tax and spending plan. According to Axios, staff have been“making progress on the contours of a climate and deficit reduction package and that “a Biden win on the Hill… has gone from unlikely to possible.” At the same time, numerous economists point to excess spending as the leading cause of rising inflation.
With gas prices skyrocketing, Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05) and Bruce Westerman (AR-04) introduced H.R. 6858, the American Energy Independence from Russia Act, which would 1) restart federal oil and gas leasing 2) authorize construction of the Keystone Pipeline 3) remove restrictions on natural gas exports and 4) require the Biden Administration to develop a plan to expand American energy production to offset Russian imports in 30 days. The plan earned the support of 140 co-sponsors and provides a more robust response to the gasoline price crisis currently ravaging families than the weaker measures currently being proposed by the Biden administration.