AAN Launches $7.5 Million Advocacy Campaign Showcasing Ever-Growing Mountain of Liabilities In Pelosi’s $3.5 Trillion Tax And Spending Plan
This morning, American Action Network launched a new $7.5 million issue advocacy campaign to stop Nancy Pelosi’s $3.5 trillion tax and spending proposal. The new campaign includes broadcast, cable and digital advertising across 24 Congressional Districts and features 6 new advertising messages that spotlight the growing wealth of new and emerging liabilities the bill is bringing for Members in their districts.
“The more we learn about this bill, the worse it gets. This bill is creating a world of problems for Members in 100 different directions,” said AAN President Dan Conston. “Members should think long and hard before walking the plank for Pelosi when we’re only beginning to see just how toxic this bill will be back home.”
Examples of the ads and new messages are below and a full list of districts included in the campaign is available here.
Inflation: Crushing The Middle Class For Hand Outs To Pelosi and Her Allies
(9 Districts)
Hurricane Tax: One of Many Impacts of Raising the Global Minimum Tax
(Fletcher & Murphy)
Fake Moderate: Gottheimer Got Rolled, It’s Time He Stands Up
Oil and Gas Impact: Job Losses in The Rio Grande Valley
Inflation: Big Spending Forcing Rising Costs On Families
(8 Districts)