Jobs & Economy18 March 2015

American Action Network Launches $550k Budget Campaign “Balanced”

WASHINGTON – Today, the 501c4 American Action Network (@AAN) launched a $550,000 ad campaign urging Americans to call Congress to support the new balanced budget released by House Republicans over President Obama's budget. The TV ad, “Balanced,” is a $500,000 buy running on Fox News cable nationally for 10 days, and will be accompanied by a $50,000 digital campaign. This is the initial round of AAN’s issue advocacy effort on the budget.
“The Obama budget and House Republican budget are a study in contrasts,” said AAN President Mike Shields. “The Obama budget never, ever balances and leads us even farther down the path to fiscal ruin. The House Republican budget balances in 10 years, repeals Obamacare and is the right prescription for America’s economy. Americans should let Congress know loud and clear that the House Republican budget is the right path to prosperity.”

This is the latest in AAN’s multi-million dollar legislative advocacy effort this year to enact center-right policies.
The American Action Network is a 501(c)(4) 'action tank' that creates, encourages and promotes center-right policies based on the principles of freedom, limited government, American exceptionalism, and strong national security. The American Action Network's primary goal is to put our center-right ideas into action by engaging the hearts and minds of the American people and spurring them into action to advance our center-right policy agenda.

Courtney Parella

Communications Director


Jobs & Economy
7 July 2022
AAN Doubles Down, Adds $4.3 Million in 8 Districts To Summer Issue Advocacy Campaign To Stop Inflation-Causing Spending and Energy Policies
WASHINGTON – American Action Network announced it will double down on its summer issue advocacy campaign and will add $4.3 million of ad time to 8 districts, expanding its issue advocacy efforts to address soaring inflation and record gas prices. The new ads either highlight record price increases and urge Members of Congress to stop the Biden administration’s […]
Jobs & Economy
23 June 2022
AAN Releases New Ad In CA-49 Urging Mike Levin To Stop Inflation-Causing Wasteful Spending
American Action Network released our new ad in CA-49 this morning as part of our summer issue advocacy campaign calling on Congress to address record gas and grocery costs. The new ad spotlights billions spent on wasteful bailouts for luxury spas and new golf courses that caused record inflation and calls on Congressman Levin to […]
Jobs & Economy
16 June 2022
AAN Launches $4 Million+ Summer Advocacy Campaign to Stop Reckless, Inflation-Causing Spending & Energy Policies
WASHINGTON – American Action Network released its summer issue advocacy campaign to address the pressing problems of record gas prices and soaring cost increases on nearly everything families buy. The new issue campaign is initially backed by over $4 million and features TV and digital advertising in 11 Congressional Districts. In select districts, the new […]