AAN Releases New Ad Campaign in 51 House Districts on H.R. 1
American Action Network released a new issue advocacy advertising campaign in 51 House Districts today on the corrupt liberal campaign finance bill, H.R. 1. Starting today, AAN will begin running digital ads in 15 of the districts and kick off a phone call campaign in all 51.
The new ads call out Members for pushing legislation to fill their re-election campaign coffers with public funds and urge them to oppose the bill, which is expected to receive a vote in the House this week.
“This bill is nothing more than a shameful attempt to shovel public funds to the campaign coffers of corrupt Washington liberals,” said AAN President Dan Conston. “Especially in a time of unparalleled health and economic crisis, public funds should be used to help end the suffering of this pandemic – not to help Washington politicians get re-elected.”
An example appears below and a list of Members included in the effort is here.
Polling from American Action Network showed voters in a suburban swing district preferred keeping local control of elections by a 14 point margin and would be 64% less likely to vote for a Member of Congress who supported public funding for their campaigns. Read here.