14 May 2021

AAN Launches Spanish Broadcast Spot To Stop Pelosi’s Drug Pricing Scheme

American Action Network launched a new Spanish language broadcast spot upping pressure on Congressman Vicente Gonzalez to speak out against Pelosi’s dangerous prescription drug plan. The new ad is backed by an additional $140,000 ad buy and brings AAN’s total investment in TX-15 to nearly $500,000.

The new ad, which will run on Spanish language broadcast TV and digital platforms, highlights how Pelosi’s drug plan would mean fewer new treatments for disease, like the COVID vaccine, and reduce access to the medications patients need.

“Nancy Pelosi’s plan would cut off Texas families from new breakthrough cures and limit access to the medications they need,” said AAN Communications Director Calvin Moore. “Vicente Gonzalez should stand up to Pelosi and insist instead that Congress take up bipartisan legislation to reduce the cost of prescriptions without risking access to lifesaving medicines.”

Courtney Parella

Communications Director