AAN Launches Ad Campaign Calling on 5 Members to Stop Siding With Iran
Heavy Broadcast, Digital Ad Buys Call on Nolan, Peters, Wasserman Schultz and others to stop supporting the Iran deal
WASHINGTON – In advance of congressional action on the Iran nuclear deal, the American Action Network is launching an aggressive two-day advertising campaign targeting liberal Members of Congress who support the dangerous agreement. Broadcast TV and digital ads will urge five Members of Congress to reconsider their support for the Iran deal: Congressman Rick Nolan (MN-08), Congressman Scott Peters (CA-52), Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23), Congresswoman Louise Slaughter (NY-25) and Congressman Pete Aguilar (CA-31).
“This deal with Iran is a historic mistake that could have cataclysmic consequences for America and our allies,” said AAN President Mike Shields. “Yet despite all the bipartisan warnings, some Members have shown they’re willing to sacrifice sanity and our safety by supporting a deal that paves the way for a nuclear Iran. But it’s not too late: The vote in the House can help change the course. Congress is the last line of defense to stop this deal, and these Members owe it to their constituents and country to reconsider supporting this terrible Iran agreement. We encourage their constituents to make their voices loud and clear: stop siding with Iran.”
Beginning today, the $250,000 issue campaign includes:
• $100,000 of Minneapolis broadcast TV ads on Congressman Rick Nolan (MN-08)
• $100,000 of San Diego broadcast TV ads on Congressman Scott Peters (CA-52)
• $50,000 of online ads on Nolan, Peters, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23), Congresswoman Louise Slaughter (NY-25) and Congressman Pete Aguilar (CA-31).
Note: The TV ads will air 235 times on broadcast TV in Minneapolis & San Diego, providing full air coverage before the congressional vote.
There’s a deal with Iran, but who’s benefiting?
Sanctions Erased, Unlocking Billions for Terrorism
Missile Embargoes lifted, Destabilizing the Middle East
And Iran gets to self-inspect nuclear sites, in a deal paving their way to a bomb.
But some in Congress like Rick Nolan are ignoring all the warnings and supporting a deal at any price.
Call Rick Nolan and tell him to stop siding with Iran.